Visiting La Roca dels Bous
In order to visit La Roca dels Bous site, visitors have first to collect the preprogrmmed digital tablets in the nearby visitor centre, Espai Origins. There they will also obtain the necessary indications to start their journey to the prehistoric past.
Once arrived to the foot of the rock shelter, the discovery of the Neanderthal territory begins. The path up to the archaeological site - currently being excavated – is divided into several stops. In each of them and with the help of the audiovisual contents of the tablets, visitors will get detailed information about what we know about Neanderthals and how they use to live in the surrounding landscape. Finally, on arrival at La Roca dels Bous site, the tablet contents focus on archaeological explanations about formation processes, research methodology, newest findings and other clues for interpreting the Neanderthal ways of life from the fossil record.
C-13 Km.44, 25613 Camarasa ( Lleida)
Tel: + 34 973 42 04 27
Visits must always be booked by phone or email. It is recommended to book the visit with at least two days in advance.