The Mieso region is located in central-eastern Ethiopia, a transitional area between the Afar Depression and the north-eastern region of Oromia. It is in this area, the connection point between the Afar triangle and Somali Plateau, where archaeological work is being carried out, centred on the valley of Mieso and other nearby rivers.
It is a scarcely explored area, since our research project is the first one that has been carried out in the region. Therefore, the archaeological potential of Mieso is yet to be established and makes current works even more interesting.
Associated projects:
- El origen del Homo Sapiens en el Valle del Rift. Entidad finançadora: Ministerio de Cultura. EXC2015-02
- Ministerio de Cultura - University College London/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2010-2013). Estudio de la secuencia pleistocena de Mieso (Valle del Rift).